Fix Calcium Scaling For Surprisingly Better Hot Tub Water

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Fix Calcium Scaling For Surprisingly Better Hot Tub Water

Are you troubled by scaling in your hot tub water? Fear not, we have the perfect solution for you. A hot tub scale remover is your answer to restoring your hot tub to its pristine condition.

We know how important it is for you to use your hot tub whenever you want. We're here to help you eliminate that pesky calcium or scaling problem so you can enjoy your hot tub again.

Keep reading and learn more about how fixing calcium can help clean your hot tub!

What Is Calcium Or Scaling In Hot Tub Water?

What Is Calcium Or Scaling In Hot Tub Water?

If you've ever noticed white or yellow flakes floating in your hot tub water, you're not alone. These mineral deposits are called calcium scale, similar to what you might find built up inside your kettle. You should remove the hot tub scale to avoid long-term damage.

If calcium levels are too low, calcium can leach out of concrete, metal, and other materials used to construct hot tubs and spas, causing staining and deterioration.

Calcium helps to regulate pH levels and prevent corrosion, but if calcium levels become too high, it can also cause problems such as staining, scale buildup, and clogging.

What Causes Calcium Or Scaling In Spa Water?

What Causes Calcium Or Scaling In Spa Water?

Calcium Scaling in hot tub water results from high levels of calcium in the water, high pH levels, or heavily contaminated water.

Let's talk about these causes in detail:

1. Your Water Is High In Calcium

If you've ever noticed chalky, white deposits on your tub or shower, it's likely due to too much calcium in your water. Calcium is a critical component of hard water. When the levels are too high, the calcium can fall out of the solution and build up on surfaces.

Addressing factors like high calcium levels in your water can easily prevent hot tub scale. Find out more about this in our hot tub maintenance guide.

2. You Have High pH Water

If you're struggling with calcium deposits, the issue might be due to high pH levels. To prevent hot tub scaling, balance the water's pH with the proper treatment, such as O-Care’s spa water care products.

To do this, you'll need to test the calcium level and adjust accordingly. A proper hot tub care solution by O-Care can keep your water healthy and free of calcium buildup.

Read more: Lower pH Without Lowering Alkalinity in Hot Tubs: Simple Balancing Tips

3. You Have Heavily Contaminated Water

Other aspects can cause calcium deposits in hot tubs, but the most common culprit is heavily contaminated water. Any time someone enters your tub, it's being polluted. Bathers are the number one polluter of hot tubs and for a good reason.

Body oils, hair, lotions, makeup, sunblock, soap/detergent residue, and even skin cells can all end up in the tub from a single person. As you can imagine, all these contaminants can quickly build up, leading to mineral deposits.

Proper water treatment and a quality hot tub scale remover can address this issue effectively.

Read more: 9 Hot Tub Chemicals: Get Familiar with Maintenance Products

What Are The Effects Of Hot Tub Water Scaling?

What Are The Effects Of Hot Tub Water Scaling?

If you have a hot tub, you know that keeping it clean is essential. But did you know that one of the most important aspects of hot tub care is preventing calcium scale buildup?

When spa water has high calcium levels, it results in 'hard water,' which can cause mineral deposits and scaling. If left untreated, these deposits can shorten the lifespan of your hot tub equipment.

Hot tub water with lower calcium hardness is called 'soft water.' While soft water is excellent for drinking, it's not so great for hot tubs. The easiest and most comfortable way to raise calcium hardness is to add a calcium hardness increaser, such as calcium chloride, to your hot tub.

Soft water doesn't contain enough calcium chloride to prevent hot tub scale buildup. If your hot tub water has too little calcium, it will erode other minerals such as copper, aluminum, and iron, rusting the surface of your hot tub.

Scale buildup can damage hot tub fixtures and clog plumbing. Over time, the water will become hazy. The extra quantity of dissolved particles in the hot tub will cause it to scale inside and around your equipment, possibly clogging and blocking the water flow into and out of the hot tub, which might harm your equipment.

If calcium hardness levels are left unchecked and without balance, calcium hardness can shorten the lifespan of your hot tub equipment.

How To Fix Spa Water Scaling?

How To Fix Spa Water Scaling?

No one wants to find calcium buildup in their hot tub. To fix this, use a quality hot tub scale remover and maintain balanced water chemistry to avoid recurring problems.

To fix spa water scaling, follow these steps:

  • First, try to rub off the calcium deposits from the hot tub's surface. If this works, the filter will help remove hot tub scale, making cleaning easier. If that doesn't work, you must dramatically decrease the pH to below five.
  • This process takes more than five hours. If it does not work the first time, repeat the process.
  • Make sure to run the pumps regularly and clean the filters afterward.
  • While this process will fix your calcium problem, it's crucial to never use the hot tub at low pH levels. Doing so can lead to skin irritation and damage to the hot tub's surface and equipment.

Things to Consider While Fixing Hot Tub Water Scaling

Things to Consider While Fixing Hot Tub Water Scaling

While calcium and scaling can be a nuisance, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem quickly and easily:

  • First, make sure you're using suitable types of equipment. Various chemicals can cause calcium and scaling, so you must ensure you use the right one for your situation.
  • Second, make sure you're using the right amount of chemicals. Too many chemicals can cause more calcium and scaling, so you must be careful not to use too much.
  • Third, make sure you follow the directions by O-Care carefully. Failure to do so could damage your hot tub or water system.

Wrapping Up Spa Water Scaling

Wrapping Up Spa Water Scaling

You're probably not surprised to hear that the fix of calcium and scaling can be a considerable problem for hot tub owners. Left untreated, calcium and scaling can cause all sorts of issues with your hot tub- from decreased performance to full-on breakdowns.

If you're experiencing a calcium or scaling problem with your hot tub, don't worry.

Fixing calcium can help you clean your hot tub and get it back in working order. Besides this solution, we've created an easy-to-follow water expert app that will walk you through the entire process, so make sure you observe it. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help!

FAQs on Scaling In Hot Tubs

FAQs on Scaling In Hot Tubs

How Do You Reduce Hot Tub Calcium Hardness?

You can reduce the hot tub calcium hardness by following these simple tips:

  1. Use a quality hot tub water softener: A good water softener will help reduce the calcium hardness in your hot tub water by exchanging the hardness minerals (Calcium and magnesium) for sodium.
  2. Use a hot tub filter. A filter helps remove Calcium and other minerals from your hot tub water.
  3. Use a hot tub cleaner: A quality hot tub cleaner will help remove Calcium and other minerals from your hot tub water.
  4. Use a quality hot tub sanitizer. A quality sanitizer will help reduce the calcium hardness in your hot tub water.
  5. Use a quality hot tub defoamer. A quality defoamer will help reduce the calcium hardness in your hot tub water.

You can also get quality products at O-Care. Let's check them out!

How Do You Soften Hard Water In A Hot Tub?

You must install a water softener to soften your hot tub water. Water softeners exchange the minerals that cause hardness in your water (calcium and magnesium) for sodium ions. This process is known as ion exchange.

What Does Calcium Build Up In A Hot Tub Look Like?

Calcium buildup looks like a white, chalky substance on the surface of your hot tub. It can also appear as a cloudy film in the water. If you see either of these, it's time to take action.

Is Calcium In a Hot Tub Harmful?

While calcium is not harmful to humans, it can harm your hot tub. The scale it creates can damage the tub's surfaces and make it more difficult to clean. The scale can also trap dirt and bacteria, contaminating the water.

What Does Hot Tub Scaling Look Like?

Hot tub scaling looks like white, chalky deposits on the surfaces of your hot tub. These deposits are usually most noticeable on tiles, jets, and water lines. Scaling can also make your hot tub less energy efficient because the deposits insulate the heat from the water.